The FDA-cleared Lyra Direct Strep Assay kit from Quidel, San Diego, differentiates between pyogenic Group A and pyogenic C or G Streptococcal throat infections. Group A Streptococcus (GAS) are Gram-positive bacteria that reside in the nose, throat, and skin and cause a range of infections, including strep throat. Though less understood than Group A bacteria, Group C and G Streptococcus have been increasingly linked to infections similar to those caused by GAS. The Lyra reagent kit is a multiplex real-time PCR assay designed for use with a laboratory’s existing thermocycler. It includes a ready-to-use master mix; key reagents for refrigerated, non-frozen storage; and an extraction-free, three-step sample preparation process that generates results in just over an hour. For more information, visit Quidel.