Texcell – North America has started preparations for the unveiling of its newest viral-clearance-focused facility in Frederick, Maryland. The grand opening is scheduled to take place June 16, 2023, preceded by an exclusive luncheon consisting of executives from Texcell’s holding group, Soparbiotech International, as well as upper-level team members from Texcell – North America and Texcell – France. They will be joined by international and local dignitaries, unifying a global team to celebrate the occasion.

Following the luncheon will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially open Texcell’s new facility. The 27,000 square feet of laboratory and office space will more than double Texcell – North America’s current capacity for biosafety testing and viral clearance studies. The facility embraces the future of biotechnology, with eight modular client suites that are built to be adaptable to the needs of the client and their process, and dedicated teams to support monoclonal antibodies, gene therapies, medical devices, and other novel modalities on the market. The multimillion-dollar project was constructed in under two years and will allow for the North America team to scale up and meet the demand for viral clearance testing, as well as continue to provide support for R&D cell banking and biosafety testing.

Texcell employees have been invited to attend the ribbon cutting, as well as family and friends. Key clients, valued vendors, and local government officials have also been invited to celebrate the grand opening, as the new facility marks not just an expansion for Texcell, but for the local biotech industry and Frederick community. The event centers around celebrating an advancement toward patient safety and protecting tomorrow’s medicines, today.

About Texcell

Texcell is a contract research organization that specializes in viral testing, viral clearance, bioassays, in vivo testing, and GMP cell banking, for R&D, GClP, GLP, and GMP projects.

The Texcell group employs 140 people in France, in the United States, in Germany, and in Asia (China and Japan), and counts customers worldwide. To sustain its continuous growth, Texcell will inaugurate in 2023 two new laboratories, in the United States and in China.

Featured image credit: Texcell