VistaLab Technologies Inc announced that a set of the company’s MLA D-Tipper pipettes were recently prepared and sent to NASA for use on the International Space Station for a number of planned experiments.
MLA pipettes were chosen for the mission because of the Company’s decades of extensive experience in liquid handling, and the pipette’s convenient size and precision engineered metal alloy construction being ideally suited for the challenging environment found in space.
The MLA D-Tipper pipettes will be used initially to deliver a precise amount of oil onto a test slide for direct measurement using an immersion microscope. After determining and documenting which magnifications are usable in an ISS vibration environment, additional experiments will be implemented to support biological applications during future missions. Ultimately, by performing certain investigations in space to remove gravitational jamming and sedimentation, scientists should be able to see and control how atomic structures form, and improve the engineering of new systems using colloidal self-assembly.
MLA D-Tipper pipettes are available in more than 30 fixed volumes, from 5μL to 1000μL. The slim, tapered design and location of the detipping mechanism enables easy access to narrow diameter tubes and is comfortable – especially for smaller hands. All MLA-brand pipettes carry a Lifetime Warranty, and are very durable, surviving many years without breakage or the need for recalibration. Detailed information is available on the company’s Web site.