AP-Visions LLC, Marco Island, Fla, introduces xLAB, a new generation of laboratory information systems.
It is a cost-effective solution for laboratory data management needs in the small hospital and physician office laboratory.
“Our mission is to make laboratory results flow effectively and cheaply to where the health care provider needs them to be,” says Neal Flora, AP-Visions’ managing director, and formerly CEO of Fletcher Flora Healthcare.
The software supports a user-definable, single-screen order entry in a rules-based environment, and provides full QC management with Levey Jennings graphs and Westgard rules.
It EMR-ready and includes support for multi-instrument interfacing, along with interpretive reporting and reflex testing.
xLAB can also fully integrate with AP-URO, Derma, and GI, providing a data management tool in the anatomical pathology lab that also has a need for a full-function LIS.
[Source: AP-Visions]