Software Update
Offers wireless, bar coding options
With a recent software upgrade (V2.5/ and new adaptor for its Clinitek status connect system, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Tarrytown, NY, now offers hospitals and clinicians wireless connectivity and improved bar coding capabilities for point-of-care (POC) urinalysis testing. These enhancements enable greater flexibility, risk management, and speed. The updated bar code scanning features make data entry easier, allowing input of urine strip lot numbers and expiration dates with one scan. Patient results can then be wirelessly transmitted from the Clinitek Status Connect system to POC middleware solutions, lab information systems, or electronic medical records.
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics
(914) 631-8000;
Software Update
Suggests typing and screening resultsOne Lambda Inc, Canoga Park, Calif, now part of Thermo Fisher Scientific, has received FDA clearance for HLA Fusion Software version 3.0, companion software to molecular typing and antibody screening products. One Lambda software products assist personnel experienced in HLA analysis by suggestingtyping and antibody screening results. Product families used in conjunction with HLA Fusion include the LABScreen (antibody detection) and LABType (HLA Typing) products, in addition to LATâ„¢, LCT, FlowPRA, and MicroSSP products. Version 3.0 provides the tools and applications from version 2.0 and its related service packs, support with Luminex xPONENT 3.1 acquisition software for LABScan 100, and more.
One Lambda Inc
(800) 822-8824;
PCR with Increased Heating and Cooling Rate
Device is quiet, has low power consumption
The Mastercycler nexus X1 is the latest addition to the Mastercycler range of PCR instruments from Eppendorf, Hauppauge, NY. It provides increased heating and cooling rates by uniting the software found in the Mastercycler nexus with a fast 96-well block, all while maintaining low power consumption and low noise emission levels (< 40dB[a]). A heating rate of 5 C/s translates into short run times on the unit, allowing several users to work on it during the course of a day. Up to three units can be combined for maximum throughput, and a booking schedule is integrated into the software. When in use, the Mastercycler can be connected to a computer network, supplying e-mail status updates on the progress of the PCR run.
(800) 645-3050;
Ductless Fume Hoods
Available in three sizes
The new PURAIR 5 ductless fume hoods from Air Science USA, Fort Myers, Fla, feature operator protection where routine work is being carried out. The units exceed OSHA, ANSI, and all relevant international standards. The ductless design eliminates installation costs and allows the unit to be positioned over a sink or benchtop apparatus. Users can choose from three models with widths of 24, 36, or 48 inches. The units operate at low noise levels, and they do not exhaust expensive conditioned and/or heated air into the atmosphere. A face velocity of 100 fpm ensures containment of fumes and particulates for operator protection. An alarm alerts the operator when the airflow falls to an unacceptable level. The main filter has 14 options, which include specialty media for vapors of organics, solvents, acids, mercury, and formaldehyde. HEPA filters for particulate filtration are also available to suit your application needs.
Air Science USA
(800) 306-0677;
Advanced Staining Platform
Automates IHC and ISH processesDako, Denmark, offers Dako Omnis, an advanced staining platform that comprises hardware, software, and reagents. Omnis automates both IHC and ISH processes, meaning entire patient cases can be processed simultaneously. The platform provides state-of-the-art software and key processes such as slide processing and instrument maintenance, which can be traced to individual operators, increasing quality control. As with all of the company’s instruments, customers can use the Dako Link software to connect all solutions and workstations to the lab’s own information system. This approach gives the lab manager more control over the processing of each individual slide that enters the lab.
(800) 400-3256;
Padded, High-Grip, Anti-Microbial Mats
Sticks to floors—even highly waxed floors
Labs can go through many floor mats due to heavy use. Lab floors are also cleaned and waxed regularly due to the nature of what lab techs are testing and materials they use. While anti-fatigue mats made for
industrial use may tend to slide around on the lab floor, mats from Medicus Health, Kentwood, Mich, have a coating on the back that grips the floor and eliminates that issue. The mats are also antimicrobial. At ¾ inch thick, the mats provide ample cushion for those who spend long hours on their feet.
Medicus Health
(877) 514-1140;
Minigroup to Market Medical Bags
With patented TearZone EZ-Open FeaturePlastics manufacturer Inteplast Group, Livingston, NJ, has transferred the sales, marketing, and shipping of specialty medical bags from its IBS (Integrated Bagging Systems) division to newly acquired Minigrip Commercial. The products include Speci-Gard adhesive-closure and Speci-Zip zipper-closure bags. The specialty medical bag product family now includes: Lab Guard reclosable Specimen Bags with TearZone EZ-Open feature and destroyable bio-hazard symbol, Lab Guard reclosable UV protection bags, Lab Guard reclosable chemotherapy bags; and Speci-Gard adhesive closure specimen bags and Speci-Zip reclosable specimen bags.
Inteplast Group
(973) 994-8000;
New Worthington CatalogFeatures enzymes, biochemical, and primary cell isolation kits
The new 2013-14 Catalog and Product Guide from Worthington Biochemical, Freehold, NJ, features
enzymes, biochemical, and primary cell isolation kits. New and existing products are included for applications in primary cell isolation and cell culture, protein sequencing, enzymology, and molecular biology.
Worthington Biochemical Corp
(800) 445-9603;
Fibromyalgia Diagnostic Test
First of its kind
FM/a®, The FM Test, is the first test to objectively diagnose fibromyalgia via a simple blood test, with results usually available in 1 week or less. It is a multibiomarker-based test that concerns immune system white blood chemokine and cytokine patterns. Patients with fibromyalgia have a significantly dysregulated pattern regarding these proteins. Test results are based upon a 1-100 scoring system, with fibromyalgia patients having scores of 50 and above. The test is more than 93% sensitive, a sensitivity comparable to the HIV blood test. The test is only available upon the order of a licensed physician.
EpicGenetics Inc
(855) 775-FIBRO;
Helps assess large B-cell lymphoma
ENGAUGE-cancer-DLBCL from Diagnovus LLC, Nashville, Tenn, is a commercial gene-expression assay that can aid physicians in better risk stratification and treatment of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). DLBCL is an aggressive tumor that can arise in virtually any part of the body. It is the most common subtype of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, with an incidence of seven to eight cases per 100,000 people per year. The assay combines a patient’s IPI score and the results of the assay to more accurately predict outcomes for patients than IPI alone. Despite the ease of use, IPI does not fully capture disease heterogeneity, and it is common to have two patients with identical IPI risk scores have very different outcomes. This assay can be performed in a reproducible and accurate manner using routinely available formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) diagnostic biopsy tissue.
Diagnovus LLC
(855) 642-8438;
HbA1c Control
Uses intact red blood cells
A1c-Cellular from Streck, Omaha, Neb, is a HbA1c control with intact red blood cells. A1c-Cellular tests the entire HbA1c procedure, including the lysing of the red blood cell. This step ensures the entire system—instrument and reagents—is working properly and providing accurate patient results. The control does not require reconstitution. It is appropriate for immunoassay and ionic exchange HPLC methodologies. Available in 2.0-mL plastic screw-top, cap-pierceable vials, A1c-Cellular offers a closed-vial stability of 6 months and an open-vial stability of 30 days.
(800) 228-6090;
Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control
Monitors precision of immunoassay and chromatographic diagnostic techniquesThe new Liquichekâ„¢ Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control from Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, Calif, provides four levels to monitor precision of immunoassay and chromatographic diagnostic techniques used for immunosuppressant drug testing. This liquid, whole blood-based product contains Everolimus and other popular drugs used in organ transplantation. The control is featured in the Unity Interlaboratory Program.
Bio-Rad Laboratories
Molecular RSV + hMPV Assay
Distinguishes between RSV and hMPV
Quidel Corp, San Diego, has received FDA 510(k) clearance for its Quidel Molecular RSV + hMPV assay for the detection of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and human metapneumovirus (hMPV). The assay distinguishes between RSV and hMPV, two different viruses that cause respiratory infections with very similar symptoms. The company’s molecular product line offers PCR reagent kits for use by molecular diagnostic laboratories with their existing molecular testing infrastructure. These reagents provide features that include simple transport and refrigerated storage (no freezer required), convenient workflow, a short time to result, and other benefits that favorably affect diagnostic test outcome. Because they share a common extraction protocol, the RSV + hMPV assay can be batched alongside other Quidel Molecular assays, such as Influenza A+B PCR assay, in the same multiwell panel for customized multiplexing capability.
Quidel Corp
(858) 552-1100;
Syphilis LR Control
Monitor precisions of Treponemal assaysVIROTROL® Syphilis LR Controls from Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, Calif, is a liquid, single-level product designed to monitor the precision of automated and manual procedures for the analysis of total antibodies to Treponema pallidum. It is designed as a low-reactive control to monitor precision of Treponemal assays. Fill size is a 4-mL tube format that offers ready-to-use convenience on automated platforms. This product is featured in the Unity Interlaboratory Program.
Bio-Rad Laboratories
(800) 224-6723;
BNP Control
100% human serum
Randox, Kearneysville, WVa, introduces a dedicated liquid BNP Control as part of its Acusera Range. Assayed instrument-specific target values and ranges are provided for a range of instruments including Beckman Access, Abbott Architect, and Siemens Advia Centaur. The BNP control comes as a 100% human serum in ready-to-use, 1-mL vials, which makes them ideal for point-of-care testing. The 30-day open vial stability, along with the vial size, helps reduce waste.
(304) 728-2890, toll free: 8664 RANDOX;
Serum Protein Control
Helps monitor numerous assays
AUDIT MicroControls Inc, Carlsbad, Calif, has added to its line of daily quality control products with AUDIT MicroLQ serum protein control, 2 levels. It simulates human patient serum samples for the purpose of monitoring the precision of laboratory testing procedures for the following serum protein assays: albumin, alpha1-acid glycoprotein, alpha-1-antitrypsin, alpha2-macroglobulin, antithrombin, beta-2 microglobulin, ceruloplasmin, complement C3, complement C4, haptoglobin, immunoglobulin A, immunoglobulin E, immunoglobulin G, immunoglobulin M, prealbumin, total protein, and transferrin. The control has been assayed for Abbott Architect, Beckman DXC 800, Beckman Olympus AU680, Beckman Immage, Roche Cobas c501, Roche Cobas 6000, Roche Modular P, Siemens Dimension, and Siemens Dimension Xpand Plus.
AUDIT MicroControls
(866) 252-8348;
Certified Spiking Solutions
Used with T4, T3, and reverse T3
Cerilliant, Round Rock, Tex, introduces its Certified Spiking Solutions. The product is used in preparation
of calibrators and controls of T4-13C6, T3-13C6, and reverse T3-13C6 for monitoring free and total thyroid hormone levels in serum or plasma by LC-MS/MS. These products offer clinical and endocrinology labs the full range of stable-labeled internal standards necessary for accurate quantitation of T4, T3, and reverse T3 using LC-MS/MS methods. The new thyroid hormone internal standards complement the company’s current offering of native T4, T3, and reverse T3 Certified Reference Materials at concentrations suitable for dilution to the desired concentration in the laboratory’s matrix of choice.
(800) 848-7837;
Test Now Reports Sex Chromosomal Aneuploidies
Can be used as early as 10 weeks’ gestation
The MaterniT21 PLUS laboratory-developed test (LDT) from Sequenom Inc, San Diego, available through the Sequenom Center for Molecular Medicine, now reports the presence of certain fetal sex chromosomal aneuploidies in addition to the identification of autosomal aneuploidies for chromosome 21 (associated with Down syndrome), chromosome 18 (associated with Edwards syndrome), and chromosome 13 (associated with Patau syndrome). The test reports on the presence of four rare aneuploidies involving an abnormal number of X or Y chromosomes, including female syndromes 45,X (Turner Syndrome) and 47,XXX (Triple X Syndrome), and male syndromes 47,XXY (Klinefelter Syndrome), and 47,XYY. The test analyzes the relative amount of 21, 18, 13, as well as X and Y chromosomal material in cell-free DNA. Intended for use in pregnant women at increased risk for fetal aneuploidy, the test can be used as early as 10 weeks’ gestation.
Sequenom Inc
(858) 202-9000;