Dilu-Lok II, a low-cost dilution vial, is offered with a choice of diluting fluids: Butterfields Phosphate Buffer, 0.1% Peptone Water, and Phosphate Buffer with magnesium chloride. Each vial has a hinged flip-top lid and a large 45 mm opening to accommodate larger samples.
The lid design increases the leakproof qualities of the vial. Dilu-Lok II can be shipped in single cases and can withstand air shipment without leakage. It is made with optically clear recyclable plastic so that sample preparation can be seen. To comply with APHA standards, vials are etched with a fill line at 90 and 99 mL. Total vial capacity is 140 mL.
The vials are wrapped in easy-to-remove shrink wrap to ensure product integrity. Each lot is tested for sterility, pH, fill volume, and toxicity. A certificate of quality is included with each case.
Hardy Diagnostics
(800) 266-2222 ext 7696; www.hardydiagnostics.com