Respiratory Panel

Requires 2 minutes hands-on, has 1-hour run time

The FilmArray Respiratory Panel from BioFire Diagnostics Inc (formerly Idaho Technology Inc), Salt Lake City, tests for a comprehensive panel of 20 respiratory viruses and bacteria that cause upper respiratory tract infections. The FilmArray instrument integrates sample preparation, amplification, detection, and analysis into one system that requires 2 minutes of hands-on time and has a total run time of about 1 hour. With no precise measuring or pipetting required, the FilmArray is a simple solution for physicians and hospital lab directors.

BioFire Diagnostics Inc
(801) 736-6354

Influenza Diagnostic

Test eliminates variables due to interpretation subjectivity

Quidel Corp, San Diego, offers Sofia, its next-generation, rapid, immunofluorescence-based, point-of-care diagnostic test system. The user-friendly Sofia Analyzer and Sofia Influenza A+B FIA combine software and immunofluorescence-based technology to automatically and objectively yield test results in minutes. Sofia provides automated results that help eliminate the interpretation subjectivity and variability from operator to operator. Results are provided on-screen and can be stored in the analyzer, on a provided SD card, printed, or transmitted via LIS. Sofia also offers flexible workflow options. The Sofia Influenza A+B FIA utilizes fluorescent chemistry to detect and differentiate influenza A and influenza B viral nucleoprotein antigens. The test provides enhanced assay sensitivity; accurate detection with nasal swab, NP swab and NPA/wash samples; results in 15 minutes; and is compatible with several brands of viral transport media. The Sofia Influenza A+B test is CLIA waived for nasal and nasopharyngeal swab specimens.

Quidel Corp
(858) 552-1100

Plastic Bottles for Blood Culture

Retains the features of glass, adds convenience

BACTEC™ Plus Aerobic/F blood culture medium in a plastic bottle, from BD Diagnostics, Sparks, Md, is the first of the BD media to make the switch from glass to plastic. Plastic allows for increased convenience for users, without compromising the performance and quality of the system. With this switch to plastic, clinical laboratories can still attain excellent organism recovery through these media formulation and antibiotic neutralization capabilities. Gram stain readability remains clear and easy. These new plastic bottles undergo a terminal, post-media fill sterilization step, ensuring continued low contamination rates. The new plastic bottles are compatible with all currently available BD BACTEC blood culture systems.

BD Diagnostics
(800) 638-8663

Respiratory Multiplex Array

Detects numerous viruses and bacteria

Randox, Northern Ireland, UK, offers the Respiratory Multiplex Array, intended for the simultaneous detection of 22 pathogens in individuals suspected of respiratory tract infections. The ability to simultaneously detect up to 15 respiratory viruses and seven bacterial respiratory pathogens in one sample provides clinicians with a comprehensive patient profile, enabling faster and more appropriate treatment decisions. The Respiratory Multiplex Array is based on a combination of multiplex PCR, probe hybridization, and chemiluminescence detection using the Evidence Investigator analyzer. This array can run up to 54 samples simultaneously in 5 hours.

+44 (0) 28 9442 2413

Flu Direct Assay

Perform extraction and amplification in one protocol

The Simplexa® Flu A/B & RSV Direct assay from Focus Diagnostics, Cypress, Calif, is a real-time RT-PCR assay for the in vitro qualitative direct detection and differentiation of influenza A virus, influenza B virus, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) RNA. With Simplexa Direct Chemistry, extraction and amplification is performed in one protocol with no separate nucleic acid extraction step. Each kit includes three Direct Amplification discs, which run up to eight samples per run, and results are available in about an hour. The Simplexa Flu A/B & RSV Direct assay is designed for use on the 3M™ Integrated Cycler, a versatile real-time PCR instrument with a footprint of less than 1 square foot.

Focus Diagnostics
(562) 240-6500