If my hospital purchases a hospitalwide electronic medical records package from Cerner, can we continue to use Windowpath & in anatomic pathology using an interface, and if so, does Cerner or Psyche build the interface? Your system is simply too good at records retrieval to throw out the baby with the bathwater and we don’t want to switch.
Thank you for asking and I am glad to hear you like WindoPath so much. The short answer is yes. You can certainly interface WindoPath and Cerner to continue using WindoPath as your anatomic pathology LIS.
Vendors do need to work together to be able to do an interface since it does require ‘connection’ on each end to the applications. We can easily do the majority of the work utilizing a specification from
We have interfaces in place today with most of the Hospital Information System vendors. I would be happy to speak with you, or schedule a call with the correct people here, to discuss details. You will be happy to know that WindoPath is also in the process of getting 2014 Meaningful Use-certified.
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