Verinata Health Inc, Redwood City, Calif, introduces its expanded verifi® prenatal test to detect the most common fetal sex chromosome abnormalities.
The verifi®test is a comprehensive noninvasive prenatal test for high-risk pregnancies.
Available through a physician, the test detects Down syndrome (trisomy 21 or T21), Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18 or T18), and Patau syndrome (trisomy 13 or T13). The new optional test expansion includes the detection for Turner syndrome (Monosomy X), Triple X (XXX), Klinefelter syndrome (XXY), and Jacob’s syndrome (XYY), the most common fetal sex chromosome abnormalities.
Also, the test may aid in stratifying the risk of X-linked disorders such as hemophilia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, or cases of ambiguous genitalia, such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
The verifi® prenatal test is a blood test that analyzes genetic material (or DNA) naturally found in a pregnant woman’s blood to detect the most common fetal chromosome abnormalities. When directed by a physician, the verifi test can be offered to pregnant women of at least 10 weeks gestation at high risk of carrying a fetus with a genetic abnormality. A physician may classify a woman as high-risk if she is over 35 years of age, has a prior personal or family history of chromosome abnormalities, or has had a positive initial screening test indicating she is at increased risk for carrying a fetus with a genetic abnormality.
[Source: Verinata Health Inc]