The 1,25 Dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25 vitamin D) radioimmunoassay (RIA) test kit consists of a two step procedure involving preliminary extraction and purification of vitamin D metabolites from serum or EDTA plasma using subsequent C18OH extra clean cartridges. This test intended for use in the assessment of 1,25 vitamin D deficiency associated with renal disease.
Following extraction, the treated sample is assayed using a method based on a polyclonal antibody that is specific for both 1,25 vitamin D2 and D3, effectively eliminating cross-reactivity with other vitamin D metabolites. The rapid column extraction technique removes interfering substances for accuracy of results. A double antibody separation system eliminates the need for receptor and charcoal, providing greater consistency and precision.
This assay is used for the assessment of calcium regulation.
Keywords: test kit, RIA