Filtration System
Clarifies samples prior to analysis
The Claristep filtration system from Sartorius AG, Göttingen, Germany, consists of a station and filter units that offer a novel way of clarifying samples prior to analysis. The station consists of a base, a lid, and an exchangeable tray for easy and accurate positioning of sample vials and Claristep filter units. The patent-pending design features unique grooves in the station’s lid and matching guide ridges on Claristep filter units to enable intuitively correct alignment and convenient handling of the system. The grooves automatically guide the filter unit caps into the correct positions for simultaneous and accurate cap closure.
(631) 254-4249; www.sartorius.com
Flat Panel Extension
Enables greater ‘scout and zoom’ imaging
The Zeiss FPX flat panel extension for the Zeiss Xradia Versa 500-series of 3D x-ray microscopes from Carl Zeiss Microscopy, Jena, Germany, enables large-sample, high-throughput scanning. Combined with the high resolution of Zeiss Xradia Versa x-ray microscopes (XRM), the extension enhances imaging flexibility and creates workflow efficiencies. Users can examine large samples 2–5x faster to identify a region of interest, and then zoom to image areas at high resolution with the Zeiss Xradia Versa RaaD dual magnification microscope objectives that enable resolution at a distance.
Carl Zeiss Microscopy
(800) 233-2343; www.zeiss.com
[Miscellaneous supplies]
Buffer System
Designed for high voltage
A new running buffer from Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, Mass, is designed for use at higher voltages than traditional buffers, providing gradient-like electrophoretic separation of protein samples in nearly one-third less time and with a broad molecular weight separation range. The Fisher BioReagents FastRun tris sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) running buffer provides comparable or better resolution and an increased molecular weight separation range of proteins when compared to the traditional tris-glycine-SDS buffer. The buffer system also reduces the number of tris-glycine polyacrylamide gel compositions required to resolve a protein.
Thermo Fisher Scientific
(800) 678-5599; www.thermofisher.com
Attached-Lid Containers
Provide secure storage
Akro-Mils, Akron, Ohio, has expanded its line of industrial attached-lid containers with the addition of a new clear option for three models—39085 (21.5 inches x 15 inches x 9 inches), 39120 (21.5 inches x 15 inches x 12.5 inches), and 39170 (21.5 inches x 15 inches x 17 inches). The clear containers keep contents highly visible, and allow for quick identification of parts and supplies. Injection-molded from industrial-grade polymers, the containers are reusable plastic storage containers with attached lids that snap securely closed to protect contents from dust or damage.
(800) 253- 2467; www.akro-mils.com
Treg Cell Isolation Kit
Requires one labeling step
The new MacsXpress Treg isolation kit for humans from Miltenyi Biotec, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, facilitates fast and efficient isolation of regulatory T (Treg) cells from a maximum of 30 ml of fresh, anticoagulated whole blood. The technique makes it possible to isolate Treg cell populations without using density-gradient centrifugation and with only one labeling step. The isolated cells are immediately available for further analysis or cell cultivation. The kit enables isolation of CD4+, CD25+, and CD127dim/– Treg cells in two steps.
Miltenyi Biotec
(530) 888-8871; miltenyibiotec.com