Ten new drugs of abuse assays are now available for the Aeroset clinical chemistry analyzer. These DOA assays, which meet SAMHSA guidelines, include: amphetamines, cannabinoids, barbituates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, methadone, PCP, propoxyphene, opiates and ethanol.
This company’s drugs-of-abuse product line now includes FPIA assays on the Axsym platform, and the new liquid ready-to-use Optimized Multiplied Enzyme Chemistries (OMEC) assays for the Aeroset analyzer. These products feature excellent methods correlation.
The Aeroset DOA assays have an on-board stability of 60 days, allowing for low volume as well as high volume testing needs. Assays run on the Aeroset platform feature optical throughput of 1,600 photometric tests per hour.
Abbott Laboratories
Keywords: drugs of abuse