Sulfhydryl Coupling Resin
For antibody purification and affinity chromatography
G-Biosciences, St Louis, presents Sulfhydryl Coupling Resin, which is designed for the coupling of peptides and proteins. Utilizing free sulfhydryl groups, a 6% agarose support is used in conjunction with covalent thioether bonds for stable coupling. The solution comes with the benefit of a long spacer arm, which reduces steric hindrance and ensures greater binding of proteins and antibodies during affinity purification. The product is available in 10-mL, 50-mL, and 250-mL resin.
(314) 991-6034
96-Well Plate
Simultaneously analyzing up to 96 samples
Harvard Apparatus, Hollis-ton, Mass, offers patented 96-Well DispoEquilibrium DIALYZERS that provide a method for simultaneously analyzing up to 96 samples on disposable dialysis plates. The ready-to-use, equilibrium dialysis plates are cost-effective tools for ligand binding experiments such as serum protein binding, protein-drug binding, protein-protein binding, and protein-DNA binding assays. Each test well in the plate consists of two chambers separated by a regenerated cellulose membrane with a molecular weight cutoff of either 5,000 or 10,000 Daltons. Each chamber holds up to 300 µL of sample or buffer. The 96-well plate was designed with a SBS footprint and well spacing to meet automation needs.
Harvard Apparatus
(800) 272-2775
Automated Biochemistry Assay
For patients with suspected ACS
Randox Laboratories Ltd, Kearneysville, WVa, introduces an automated laboratory assay for heart-type fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP), to be used in the diagnosis and management of patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS). H-FABP is a low-weight cytoplasmic protein (15kDa) that is involved in the intracellular uptake and buffering of free fatty acids in the myocardium. It has been shown to be a highly sensitive and specific biomarker of myocardial ischemia, as it is released within 30 minutes of an ischemic episode, and is 20 times more cardiac specific than myoglobin. Recent trials have shown that H-FABP has highly significant and additive diagnostic value, especially during the early hours following ACS symptom onset. The addition of H-FABP to an existing troponin test offers the potential to rule out ACS in many patients as early as their time of presentation to the hospital.
Randox Laboratories Ltd
(304) 728-2890
Oral Fluid Immunoassays
Test for amphetamines, THC, cocaine, methamphetamines, opiates, and PCP
The FDA has cleared six new oral fluid drugs-of-abuse immunoassays from Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, Fremont, Calif, which test for amphetamines, cannabinoids (THC), cocaine, methamphetamines, opiates, and PCP. The Thermo Scientific reagents complement the patented Oral-Eze oral fluid specimen-collection device from Quest Diagnostics. The immunoassays and specimen-collection device are available for in vitro diagnostics use. Accompanying the immunoassays are oral fluid calibrators and control sets. Analyte-specific calibrators and control sets are available for the Cannabinoids OFT and the Methamphetamine OFT kits, while Multi-Drug OFT calibrators and the Multi-Drug Control set support amphetamine, cocaine, opiate, and PCP oral fluid immunoassays. Kits are available in a range of sizes to meet specific test-volume needs. Calibrators are liquid, ready to use, and offer three-point calibration: negative, cutoff, and high. The Oral Fluid Control Set is packaged with low and high control at ± 50% of cutoff, and can be used with any reagent lot.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc
(800) 232-3342
Cytotoxicity Assay
Sensitive assay for cell death
The CytoScan™-fluoro from G-Biosci-ences, St Louis, is based on the quantification of cellular lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) when cells are damaged. LDH is released into the culture medium and then measured with a diaphorase coupled enzymatic assay. This results in the conversion of a nonfluorescent compound (resazurin) to a fluorescent compound (resorufin), which can be measured using a fluorometer. The assay detects even low levels of LDH and will not damage healthy cells. It can be performed directly in the cell culture wells, and the kit is supplied with substrate mix, assay buffer, and stop solution.
(314) 991-6034
Blood Collection System
Protects users from residual blood droplets
The S-Monovette® from Sarstedt Inc, Newton, NC, is an enclosed multiple-sampling blood collection system. All tubes are plastic with screw caps, which minimizes the risk of breakage and aerosol formation when caps are removed. The screw caps feature a thin, recessed membrane that is easy to puncture and protects users from residual blood droplets. S-Monovette tubes connect securely to Sarstedt’s safety needle via a three-pin locking mechanism. In addition to a fixed needle protector to cover the front needle immediately after use, the safety needle’s small integral holder protects users from the back end of the needle as well. Depending on individual vein condition, users can manipulate the S-Monovette to perform either a vacuum or a gentle aspiration collection. As a result, no sample transfers are required, and winged-tip needle use is minimized.
Sarstedt Inc
(800) 257-5101
Synthetic VDRL Antigen
Used as a screening test for syphilis
Arlington Scientific Inc, Springville, Utah, offers the ASI Synthetic VDRL Antigen, which is routinely used as a screening test for syphilis. Only serum or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are appropriate specimens for the VDRL tests. VDRL antigen is also the key raw material for the rapid plasma reagin (RPR) nontreponemal test. ASI Synthetic VDRL Antigen uses synthetic cardiolipin and lecithin for rapid, simple, and inexpensive tests to aid in detecting, diagnosing, and monitoring the treatment of syphilis. Comparative analysis of Synthetic VDRL and conventional natural VDRL antigen has demonstrated increased sensitivity, a higher degree of flocculation, improved specificity, and RPR end point titers of one half or one dilution greater with synthetic VDRL antigen tests.
Arlington Scientific Inc
(801) 489-8911