The September/October 2023 Tech Guide that appears in Clinical Lab Products (CLP) features a wide-range of products from top laboratory providers. The 16 providers that took part in the Tech Guide, include: AccuGenomics, Agena Bioscience, Applied BioCode, BD, bioMerieux, DiaSorin, Immunexpress, Luminex, Meridian BioScience, Qiagen, QuidelOrtho, Randox, Roche, and Serene. 

Each Tech Guide that appears in CLP focuses on a specific topic area. The once-a-year opportunity, gives providers a spotlight to share product information and for readers to make side-by-side, apples-to-apples comparisons on these products. Contact information is provided in each listing, so readers can directly contact the company about the product or products that interest them most. 

These listings are posted at no charge and are solicited from the CLP staff via e-mail. Upcoming Tech Guides include immunoassay analyzers and quality controls & calibrators.

In addition to the September/October 2023 Tech Guide, the current issue of CLP also includes Product Spotlights on clinical chemistry and anatomic & digital pathology. These are short 80- to 100-word descriptions of the products that include a full-color, high-res photograph. Again these products are posted at no charge, and include full company information, so readers can contact the provider for more information.

The September/October issue  features two in-depth articles. The cover story gives an overview on best practices for A1c testing. The second of the three features cover how to improve H. Pylori outcomes with better testing. The final feature is a Q&A by CLP Chief Editor Chris Wolski with Karla Loken of Roche on the use of a triage approach to test for cervical cancer.

The September/August 2023 Tech Guide is available here as a free download.