Accurun 341 is an external control for monitoring the accuracy of amplified Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrheae testing.
Routine use of this product allows infectious disease testing laboratories to monitor day-to-day test variation; monitor lot-to-lot test kit performance; measure operator variation; and identify random or systematic errors.
The control is specifically designed to monitor amplified DNA testing and can be used with Abbott LCx, Roche Amplicor and Roche Cobas Amplicor C. trachomatis and N. gonorrheae assays.
The human-based control is a liquid, ready-to-use product and does not require special dilutions or preparations.
The product has a two-year stability to ensure consistent results over time. In addition, incorporating this product into an effective QC program can help detect testing errors and reduce testing costs. Combining this company’s AccuChart QC Software and log data transformations can help simplify statistical analysis. Boston Biomedica