TechLab, Blacksburg, Va, has partnered with the New River Valley Covid-19 Task Force to cost-effectively expand future covid-19 testing capacity. Under this agreement, the New River Health District secures access to TechLab’s analyte-specific reagents (ASRs) for SARS-CoV-2 for as little as $7 to $9 per use.
“As a company founded and headquartered here in the New River Valley, we are proud to work closely with public health officials to provide a cost-effective and flexible option to increase their covid-19 testing,” says Joel Herbein, PhD, vice president of scientific affairs at TechLab. “Our analyte-specific reagents can be used now to maximize covid-19 testing by any lab that is CLIA-certified to perform medium- and high-complexity testing. We are also incorporating our ASRs into 96-well and rapid antigen tests and plan to submit to the FDA for emergency use authorization.”
“The acquisition of these reagents provides us flexibility for future testing capacity,” says Anthony Wilson, head of the Covid-19 Task Force. “The task force has created a mobile, flexible, and scalable testing program that can be deployed across the New River Valley, and it has helped us prevent covid-19 from overloading our hospitals or compromising our public safety systems and services.”
“TechLab prides itself on developing and manufacturing our reagents in-house in southwest Virginia allowing us to control our supply chain and the quality of our products,” says Rob Day, chief operating officer. “We are also able to supply any CLIA lab in the United States.”
For more information, visit TechLab.