Reference Laboratory Information System
High performance, scalable solution
CompuGroup Medical (CGM), Boston, which developed the LabDAQ Laboratory Information System THIS PRODUCT WILL BE SHOWCASED AT CompuGroup Medical’s BOOTH # 2153 AT THE CLINICAL LAB EXPO, AACC 2013.(LIS), introduces CGM Endeavor, a scalable LIS solution designed and customized specifically for mid- to-high-volume reference laboratories. The system provides the tools independent clinical labs need to conduct and manage outreach testing. It is built on the powerful Oracle database, which uses the latest Windows technology to maximize performance and data storage for your lab. It offers high throughput workflows for production, quality control tools, web-based outreach, customer service management, and organizational intelligence, to allow staff to focus on more strategic areas for the lab’s growth. Its features improve preanalytic, analytic, and post-analytic processes for lean processing.
CompuGroup Medical
(800) 359-0911;
Bundled APLISWeb-based solution
PathCentral, Irvine, Calif, introduces its AP Anywhere system, a bundled Anatomic Pathology Laboratory Information System (APLIS) technology offering. The web-based anatomic pathology LIS technology solution integrates critical components of a pathologist’s day-to-day operation, including test ordering, laboratory workflow management, transcription, reporting, billing, and financial management, within one platform. It is HIPAA-compliant, portable, and entirely scalable.
(949) 468-3419;
Inventory Management System
Software remotely monitors reagent, tracks on-hand inventory
Ortho PLUS inventory management from Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Rochester Creek, NY, replenishes VITROS system reagents and consumables. The software remotely monitors reagent use and tracks on-hand inventory. Users are alerted about potential inventory shortages and can access essential inventory management data online anywhere, anytime. The system also calculates proper supply amounts and sets up consistent order timing, clarifies usage habits, and tracks reagent needs across multiple sites and analyzers.
Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
(800) 828-6316;
EHR Software, ONC-ACB CertifiedCertification for Meaningful Use Stage 2
Horizon Lab 13.5 from McKesson, San Francisco, has been tested and certified under the Drummond Group’s Electronic Health Records Office of the National Coordinator Authorized Certification Body (ONC-ACB) program. It is the first stand-alone laboratory information system to receive EHR Module certification for Meaningful Use Stage 2. Drummond Group’s ONC-ACB certification program certifies that EHRs meet the Meaningful Use criteria for either eligible provider or hospital technology.
(800) 446-3008;
Workstation Module
Automates ELISAs
Hamilton Robotics, Reno, Nev, introduces a new module for the Microlab STAR workstation that automates enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assays (ELISAs). The company’s new Microlab ELISA STARlet module integrates precision liquid handling instrumentation with multiple devices and sophisticated software. It can expand a technician’s productivity by processing up to 10 plates with minimal hands-on time, enabling walkaway automation and time efficiency. Plates exit into a holding space rather than the waste container, enabling the technician to inspect and read the plate on a different instrument or follow any specific directions for disposal.
Hamilton Robotics
(800) 648-5950;
Web-Based Lab Tool
Helps lab managers glean key business insights
NextLOGiK, a subsidiary of COLA, Columbia, Md, introduces LabClarity, a web-based learning tool that provides insight into lab operations. LabClarity can help lab managers and owners explore ways to maintain or improve the business of their laboratory testing activities. Its cost-analysis tool helps practitioners better understand the cost of conducting near-patient testing in the lab. Medical practices will gain a perspective on their business that is typically reserved for larger lab testing operations.
(800) 981-9883;
Image Management and Workflow Solution
Enhanced image viewing experience
Virtuoso, an image management and workflow solution from Ventana Medical Systems Inc, Tuscon, Ariz, lets pathology labs view a patient’s tissue images within the context of their clinical history, share those images with specialists and colleagues, and perform complex computer analyses to highlight specific cancer protein biomarkers that may aid in determining treatment options. New features introduced in Virtuoso 5.4 software include an enhanced image viewing experience, an optimized Laboratory Information System (LIS) integration module, more flexibility in deployment options, and an improved accessioning module.
Ventana Medical Systems Inc
(800) 227-2155;
Laboratory Furniture
Workbenches and workstations
Lista International Corp, Holliston, Mass, has introduced lab furniture through its Lista Xpress line. Products available through the Xpress program are an all-purpose workbench, Arlink 8000 modular workstations, and technical workstations. The workbench is durable and flexible, designed to integrate with a range of drawer, overhead, and other storage systems. It is available in a variety of work-surface materials. The workstations offer fast and simple setup and reconfiguration, requiring virtually no hardware or tools. Single- or double-sided models are available in a range of widths, heights, and depths to accommodate individual workers, offering improved ergonomic conditions.
Lista International Corp
(800) 722-3020;
Small Benchtop Centrifuge
Reduces downtime, bottlenecks during separation processThermo Fisher Scientific Inc, Milford, Mass, introduces the Thermo Scientific small benchtop centrifuge. It is designed to be reliable and consistent, reducing the amount of downtime and bottlenecks during the separation process. The centrifuges provide application flexibility, cleaning convenience, and ease of use with Thermo Scientific Auto-Lock rotor exchange. They are versatile enough to spin blood tubes, conical tubes, and microtubes, and offer microplate compatibility with sealing options in one versatile unit.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc
(800) 766-7000;
Lab Balance Receives Enhancements
Now more user-friendlySartorius, Bohemia, NY, has made its laboratory balance Cubis more user-friendly. Sartorius Q-Apps can now be installed on any Cubis balance to guide users quickly and easily in performing any weighing application. The new Q-Apps are available for weighing applications that are frequently performed, such as determination of the minimum sample weight according to the USP, differential weighing, and average weight control. Each application will guide the user step by step through the weighing process selected.
(800) 368-7178;
Blood Collection Set
Simple and user-friendly
The K-Shield Advantage winged blood collection set from Kawasumi Laboratories, Tampa, Fla, is simple and easy to use. It features a safety tab that stops fingers from sliding up the safety device and making contact with the needle when the traditional withdraw-then-activate technique is used. It features one-step activation and activates with audible and tactile click. A siliconized needle provides less drag and is more comfortable for the patient. The set is available in 12-inch tubing with a multisample luer adapter, or with a preattached tube holder.
Kawasumi Laboratories
(800) 529-2786;
Benchtop, Portable Centrifuges
Benchtop and portable models
Cole-Parmer, Vernon Hills, Ill, has released a new lineup of laboratory centrifuges, including benchtop and portable models. The new MS-3400 centrifuges ensure a powerful and complete separation of samples. Their standard four-place swinging buckets hold 50-mL tubes. With the additional rotor and adapter options, this model can address almost any tube size. The new FS-3500 portable centrifuges are made for mobile professionals who need to spin samples on the go. Users can select from six- or eight-place rotor options. The VS-13000 microcentrifuges provide powerful, high-speed separation along with advanced safety features. Automatic rotor recognition restricts speed, and a rotor-detection feature shuts the units off to protect samples when the rotor is off balance.
(800) 323-4340;
Clinical Chemistry System
Small-footprint benchtop system processes 450 tests/hourThe Liasys 450 Clinical Chemistry System from AMS Diagnostics, Weston, Fla, is a benchtop system for general chemistry, specialty assay, and drugs of abuse qualitative and semiquantitative testing. This small system is capable of processing up to 450 tests per hour. It is LIS-bidirectional ready and includes an onboard cuvette washing routine.
AMS Diagnostics
(954) 217-0042;
THIS PRODUCT WILL BE SHOWCASED AT Advanced Instruments’ BOOTH #4226 AT THE CLINICAL LAB EXPO, AACC 2013.Anaerobic System for Microbiology Labs
Guarantees high precision and reproducibility
The Advanced® Anoxomat™ system from Advanced Instruments, Norwood, Mass, creates anaerobic, microaerophilic, and capnophilic environments in jars guaranteeing high precision and reproducibility, which allows microbiologists to draw accurate, confident conclusions quickly and easily—saving time, effort, consumables, and costs. The Anoxomat anaerobic system is used in microbiology labs worldwide. Its fast, effortless operation makes your work process more flexible, and its built-in quality assurance guarantees reliable results.
Advanced Instruments
(800) 225-4034;
Added to line of calibration verification/linearity, daily QC products
AUDIT MicroControls Inc, Carlsbad, Calif, received 510(k) approval of Vitamin D as an addition to its line of calibration verification/linearity and daily quality control products. The serum-based Vitamin D Linearity & Control Kits will become available in Fall 2013. The Vitamin D Linearity will have five levels; the control will have two levels.
AUDIT MicroControls Inc
(866) 252-8348;
Anti-CCP Test for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Integrates RA testing onto an automated analyzerSiemens Healthcare Diagnostics,Tarrytown, NY, has obtained FDA clearance for its anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) IgG assay to aid diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. Available on the company’s IMMULITE 2000/2000 XPi immunoassay systems (pictured), the anti-CCP IgG assay affords labs the ability to integrate RA testing onto an automated, random-access analyzer.
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics
(888) 826-9702;
Mutation Detection Test
Screens patients with mCRC for RAS mutationsTransgenomic Inc, Omaha, Neb, introduces the CRC RAScan, a new mutation detection test to screen patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) for RAS mutations (KRAS and NRAS). The test is performed on the Surveyor Scan and Wave HS System, pictured. These RAS mutations, identified using the CRC RAScan kits, which use Surveyor-Wave technology, provide physicians with important information regarding tumor mutation status to help with clinical treatment decisions for their mCRC patients. The company’s CLIA-certified lab in the United States is available immediately to receive patient samples for testing.
Transgenomic Inc
(888) 813-7253;
Aldosterone Assay
Used for diagnosis of hypertensionDiaSorin Inc, Stillwater, Minn, has received FDA clearance for its LIAISON Aldosterone immunoassay. It is intended for the quantitative determination of aldosterone in human serum, EDTA plasma, and urine samples. Aldosterone is a mineralocorticoid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex. The test is primarily used for the diagnosis of hypertension. The addition of the new aldosterone assay to the LIAISON analyzer menu, and its combination with the Direct Renin assay, allows DiaSorin to provide a complete hypertension panel.
DiaSorin Inc
(651) 439-9710;
Culture Media
For detecting fluoroquinolone-resistant microorganismsMicrobial antibiotic resistance has increased significantly among gram-negative bacilli in recent years, and colonization of the gastrointestinal tract by resistant microorganisms serves as a reservoir for potential clinical infection. This can be dangerous for patients undergoing transrectal prostate biopsy in the histological diagnosis of prostate carcinoma. Selective broth pre-enrichment, followed by selective culture on solid agar, is a useful tool in identifying patients colonized with resistant microorganisms prior to biopsy. Culture media for detecting fluoroquinolone-resistant microorganisms from Hardy Diagnostics, Santa Maria, Calif, are meant to be used for the selective pre-enrichment and isolation of fluoroquinolone-resistant enteric bacteria.
Hardy Diagnostics
(800) 266-2222;
Linearity Assayed for Sysmex XN-SeriesVerify accuracy and linear reportable range of the reticulocyte parameter
Retic-Chex® linearity from Streck, Omaha, Neb, designed to establish the patient reticulocyte reportable range and linearity, is now assayed for the Sysmex XN-Series (XN-10 and XN-20). The accuracy of hematology instruments can be verified by comparing the lab’s reportable range with Retic-Chex Linearity assays with instrument-specific values for reticulocyte percentages. Verification may be necessary when a new instrument or reagents are introduced, daily controls reflect an unusual trend or shift outside of the lab’s acceptable limits, major instrument maintenance occurs, or essential parts are replaced.
(800) 228-6090;
Chromogenic Medium
Simultaneously detects Salmonella and Shigella sppHardy Diagnostics, Santa Maria, Calif, introduces the HardyCHROM SS, a highly selective chromogenic medium recommended for use as a primary screening medium for the isolation and differentiation of both Salmonella and Shigella spp. from stool cultures. With this new medium, Salmonella and Shigella can easily be distinguished from nonpathogenic enteric bacteria based on colony color. HardyCHROM SS simultaneously detects both Salmonella and Shigella spp. while ruling out nonpathogenic enteric bacteria (both lactose and nonlactose-fermenting organisms).
Hardy Diagnostics
(800) 266-2222;
25-OH Vitamin D Total Assay
Easily integrates into current workflow
The Vitros 25-OH Vitamin D Total Assay from Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Rochester Creek, NY, is intended for the in vitro quantitative measurement of total 25-OH Vitamin D in human serum, using the VITROS ECi/ECiQ Immunodiagnostic Systems, the VITROS 3600 Immunodiagnostic System, and the VITROS 5600 Integrated System. The assay provides an accurate, complete vitamin D test that labs can easily integrate into current workflow on a single, broad menu system. Results are used in the assessment of a patient’s Vitamin D sufficiency.
Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
(800) 828-6316;
Uroplakin II Mouse Monoclonal Antibody
Specific and sensitive potential marker of urothelial cancer of the bladderBiocare Medical, Concord, Calif, introduces a new Uroplakin II mouse monoclonal antibody (IVD). Studies have shown UP II mRNA to be expressed in both bladder cancer tissues and peripheral blood of patients with primary and metastatic urothelial carcinoma. Urothelial carcinoma (UC) of the bladder typically originates in the urothelium and accounts for more than 90% of all bladder tumors. Biomarkers expressed in the urothelium, such as uroplakins, could be predictive markers of UC of the bladder.
Biocare Medical
(800) 799-9499;