Para Check, a multiparameter hematology control, is specifically designed for use on Sysmex three-part differential instruments, KX-21 and K-4500. The assay also includes values for the Sysmex K-Series (K-1000, K-1000/KCP-1) and F-Series.
     This control is specially formulated to be compatible with the diluent system of the Sysmex hematology instruments. The product provides stable MCV and reproducible white cell differential parameters. It has 100-day closed-vial stability and a 14-day open-vial stability. The control is available in varying percentages including low-abnormal, normal and high-abnormal levels with pierceable cap vials for closed-tube sampling on the K-1000/KCP-1.
     STATS, this company’s free interlaboratory quality-control program, is available to standing order customers. The service provides a quick turnaround time and relevant reports by mail or fax.
Streck Laboratories
Keyword: hematology, control