Have you visited our new CLP Info Center yet? Hundreds have, and we hope that you, too, will stop in soon and come back often. Its there at www.clpmag.com – that youll find our Online Reader Service and Quick Links to vendors. At CLP, we bring you the latest products and technologies in a way that fits into the time demands of your day. Our reader service card will always be there, but our new online CLP Info Center lets us connect you faster than ever.
Go to www.clpmag.com, look on your left and youll see a button called CLP Info Center at the top of the column of icons. Click on that button and the Info Center is open, any time, any day! On your left again, choose from Online Reader Service on the top, or Quick Links below. Virtually speaking, your choice is to leave your calling card for whichever businesses you choose and make a fast exit or to browse through as many vendor sites as you like without ever losing your seat at the command center or letting anyone know who you are. Or whatever combination suits you.
With the Online Reader Service option, you need only enter your contact information once and ask your computer to remember it forever. Then visit after visit, product after product, your request is just a checkmark away.
With the anonymous Quick Links, you can head to one vendor, then back to the menu to choose another, no typing, no remembering, no worries about interruptions or losing your place.
And any time you have a question, you are welcome to use the contact form on our home page, or write to me at [email protected], or call me at 401-455-0555 x215. Not only am I happy to help, its the part of my job I best enjoy, being a resource for people whose work I know is so important to so many.
Each month CLP brings you the news you can use. Now, complete product information is at your fingertips all day any day fast, organized, easy! What could be better? If you can think of something, please let us know.
Ellen Blaine