Registration is now open for a CMS-hosted national provider call on January 16 from 2 pm to 3:30 pm EST.
The call will provide an overview of the final rule and provide information about what you need to do to receive EHR incentive payments.
Hospitals, critical access hospitals, and professionals eligible for the Medicare and/or Medicaid EHR incentive programs are encouraged to join the call.
To get the call-in information, you must first register on the CMS Upcoming National Provider Calls registration Web site.
Registration will close at noon EST, on the day of the call or when available space has been filled. No exceptions will be made, so register early.
The presentation for this call will be posted prior to the call on the FFS National Provider Calls on this site. A link to the slide presentation will be e-mailed to all registrants on the day of the call.
[Source: CMS]