The Axioplan 2 Imaging research microscope is optimized for FISH and M-FISH examinations in genetics and for multichannel fluorescence applications with the mutants of GFP in developmental and cell biology.
A recently added fluorescence system allows eight fluorescence images to be recorded manually or automatically controlled by a computer. A patented Light Trap system captures stray light to improve contrast and increase detection sensitivity in fluorescence microscopy.
An eight-position filter turret with an unrestricted field of 25mm can save time during sample screening. The push-and-click filter changer makes filter selection quick and easy. The filter sequence can be matched to the appropriate sequence of the experiment within seconds.
A reflected light fluorescence beam provides improved light transmission, and an achromatically corrected collector can ensure homogenous illumination of the specimen in multi-fluorescence. There is no need to refocus after a filter change.
AxioVision Control software controls microscope functions. Settings can be activated at the push of a button. The software enables digital image acquisition through standard video cameras to high-resolution integrated digital cameras.
The digital images can be optimized in contrast, brightness and color. Text and graphics can be added as required. Images and the microscope parameters are managed in an image archive. They are available for further processing or communication through modern media.
For more complex applications, software packages such as 3D Deconvolution, Multi-channel Imaging and Time Lapse are available. Special software for FISH and M-FISH techniques, available from partner companies, also can control microscope functions.
Carl Zeiss
Keyword: microscope