Sub System horizontal gel electrophoresis sets are an addition to this companys electrophoresis systems. Features of this product include end gates for tapeless casting, UV transparent gel trays and gel tank, and easy to replace electrode cassettes. In addition, a unidirectional safety lid aids users in establishing the proper connection of the power leads and preventing the flow of power through the cell. The gel box is molded to eliminate the possibility of leaks.
Two versions of the Sub System are available. The Sub System 70 is a mini system for short runs and verification of amplification products. It is supplied with a 7 x 10cm gel tray and 2 combs. The standard model, the Sub System 150 can be used for higher resolution and high throughput applications. It is supplied with a 15 x 15cm gel tray and two combs. A variety of accessories are available for both models.
Labnet International
Keywords: electrophoresis