The FDA has cleared the 939 UDx Urine Pathology System, a full-walkaway analyzer capable of complete urinalysis profiles with automatic reporting of microscopic sediment results for several specimens.
This instrument integrates the Roche Hitachi ChemStrip Super UA Urine Analyzer with the computer-controlled FlowMicroscope for automated sediment imaging microscopy, color, clarity and specific gravity on uncentrifuged urine.
Digital sample results are autoreported by the Windows NT ViewStation, using advanced neural network pattern recognition for classifying particle images detected. Each lab defines its own criteria for on-line review of low-confidence or unusual specimens, by recalling and displaying saved particle images in high-resolution video.
Urines are handled once during processing. Results may be produced at up to 150 per hour. A bidirectional LIS supports automated test ordering, reflexing, and query for patient information.
International Remote Imaging Systems
Keyword: urinalysis