Spectrolinker XL-1000

High-speed crosslinking

The Spectrolinker™ XL-1000 UV crosslinker from Spectronics Corp, Westbury, NY, provides easy-to-use and versatile features that make it ideal for applications such as: elimination of PCR contamination, crosslinking of DNA and RNA, nicking ethidium-bromide-stained DNA, gene mapping, RecA mutation screening and testing, UV sterilization, UV-induced polymerization, and UV-intensity monitoring. It ensures reliable crosslinking in record time by covalently binding nucleic acids to membranes in less than 30 seconds. The UV-monitoring circuitry guarantees that the set dosage is always delivered, protecting important test results from washout damage. It features four operation modes, built-in help messages, and an auto-repeat function; and it is equipped with five 8-watt 254-nm tubes (312-nm and 365-nm tubes are also available). Full-range display resolution is accurate to ± 5 µW/cm². The XL-1000 also has EMI/RFI protection.

Spectronics Corp
(800) 274-8888

Mobius FlexReady Solutions

Shortens development and manufacture time

Millipore Corp, Billerica, Mass, offers four new Mobius FlexReady Solutions, made up of Flexware™ single-use filter assemblies and process-ready hardware systems optimized for clarification, media and buffer preparation, tangential flow filtration (TFF), and virus filtration unit operations. With Mobius FlexReady Solutions, users can install equipment, configure applications, and validate their processes quickly and easily, significantly shortening development and manufacturing time. The preassembled, pretested Flexware assemblies include Millipore technologies, such as Millistak+® Pod filters, Pellicon® 3 TFF cassettes, Viresolve® Pro parvovirus removal filters, Millipore Express® sterilizing-grade filters, and Lynx® sterile connectors, as well as Mobius single-use mixing and storage systems. The process-ready hardware systems are ergonomically designed for faster setup, and are adaptable to changing process needs and reduced risk of operator error.

Millipore Corp
(781) 533-2706

K2EDTA Blood-Collection Tube

New pink cap stands out

Greiner Bio-One, Frickenhausen, Germany, has added a new K2EDTA blood-collection tube to its product assortment, featuring a pink cap for easy identification as a blood bank tube. Pink-cap tubes make it easy for diagnostic laboratories to quickly locate and process results among the many tubes moving through the lab on a daily basis. It is imperative that blood bank tubes are processed quickly and accurately to ensure a crossmatch for patients in transfusion therapy or transplant medicine. The company offers a range of draw volumes and tube sizes in K3EDTA with pink caps, including a 6-ml, 13- x 100-mm size.

Greiner Bio-One
+49 7022-948-0

Enzyme Catalog

Available in print and online

Worthington Biochemical, Lakewood, NJ, introduces its new 2009/2010 catalog featuring enzymes, biochemicals, and primary cell isolation kits for applications in life science research, diagnostics, and biotechnology. New and traditional products are included with various applications, including the Worthington Hepatocyte Isolation System and enzymes for regenerative medicine and vaccine production, such as the Animal Origin Free (AOF) Collagenase, DNase, and RNase T1. The company can meet enzyme requirements from research-scale to bulk bioprocessing quantities.

Worthington Biochemical
(800) 445-9603