The Poly stat panel nine-drug screen test is a one-step immunoassay in which a drug conjugate competes with drugs that may be present in the urine for limited antibody binding sites. The test strip contains a membrane strip that is precoated with drug conjugates on discrete test lines and a pad that contains colored antibody-colloidal gold conjugate placed at the end of the membrane.
In the absence of drugs in the urine, the gold-colored conjugates move along with the sample solution chromatographically by capillary action across the membrane to the test line region, forming visible lines as antibody and drug conjugate complexes. When a drug is present in the urine, the drug/metabolite antigen will compete with drug conjugates for the limited antibody binding sites. When an adequate amount of a drug is present, it will fill the limited antibody binding sites and prevent the formation of red complex on the test line region.
Polymedco Inc
(914) 739-5400;