This double-wide and taller triple-wide format for electrophoresis separations of large numbers of samples in a mini-vertical acrylamide format complete a family of Vertical Mini-Gel Systems designed for mini SDS-PAGE, mini 2-D electrophoresis, mini agarose gel separations and other small format electrophoresis applications.
The small size of these systems makes them useful for rapid analysis of samples in short supply while also reducing the use of expensive reagents needed for gel formation and running buffer.
Available as single or dual units, the systems are offered in five sizes. Standard features include silicone gaskets to prevent buffer leakage, safety cover with attached power leads and platinum electrodes.
All system include glass plates, spacers, comb(s) and clamps. Teflon and sharkstooth combs, PVC spacer sets, Borosilicate glass plates and frosted glass plates are available.
C.B.S. Scientific
Keyword: electrophoresis, mini-gel, system