Study data presented at the 2018 meeting of the American College of Medical Quality (ACMQ) demonstrated that the Veristrat blood-based proteomic test from Biodesix, Boulder, Colo, reliably assessed patient prognoses and provided objective prognostic information that altered physicians’ treatment decisions, independent of patient performance status.1
“In the absence of objective prognostic information, patients and physicians often will opt to continue treating lung cancer with systemic medications,” says David Brunel, chief executive officer of Biodesix. “Knowing that for some patients, benefit from these medications is unlikely, patients and their healthcare team who are armed with this information may opt instead to focus on improving quality of life. These prognostic conversations and any alternative, shared treatment strategies can have many benefits for patients, their families, physicians, and the healthcare system.”
The VeriStrat test is intended to help guide treatment decisions for patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). VeriStrat classifies patients into two categories, ‘VS good’ and ‘VS poor.’ Patients classified as VS good have a favorable prognosis and benefit from receiving active treatment, whereas patients classified as VS poor have a less favorable prognosis and may not derive typical benefit from standard-of-care therapies.
In patients with a poor performance status, VeriStrat results can influence the decision to pursue treatment, as well as the decision to refer patients with VS poor test results to alternative treatment strategies, including best supportive care (BSC). Optimizing BSC and avoiding overtreatment creates an expected pharmaceutical expenditure savings of $955 per patient within the first 30 days of treatment.
As part of the ongoing prospective Insight observational trial, physicians provided treatment recommendations for NSCLC patients prior to VeriStrat testing, and actual treatment selections after receipt of VeriStrat results.1 At the ACMQ meeting, Biodesix researchers presented a subgroup analysis that evaluated the affects of VeriStrat test results on treatment decisions.
“VeriStrat results can impact the frequency of follow-up, clinical trial enrollment, as well as the degree or timing of supportive and palliative services offered,” Brunel says. “This study supports the use of VeriStrat as a valuable prognostic tool independent of performance status, helping to inform physician and patient conversations, optimizing timing of palliative care, and decreasing overtreatment when possible.”
For more information, visit Biodesix.
- Clinical effectiveness assessment of VeriStrat testing and validation of immunotherapy tests in NSCLC subjects (Insight) [study description, online]. Bethesda, Md:, National Library of Medicine, 2017. Available at: (identification no. nct03289780). Accessed June 9, 2018.
- Page, R., Arnaud, A. The veristrat test as a prognostic tool in treatment decisions for poor performing NSCLC patients [abstract and poster, online]. Abstract No. 22 presented at the American College of Medical Quality, Medical Quality 2018 meeting. Washington, DC, April 12–14, 2018. Available at: Accessed June 11, 2018.