Alluxa, Santa Rosa, Calif, offers an online catalog of fluorescence filters developed for use in covid-19 testing devices. The company’s Ultra series of fluorescence filter sets are specifically designed for real-time polymerase chain reaction applications.
To aid in combatting covid-19, Alluxa has ramped up production and designed a user-friendly Web page to introduce its family of optical filters for integration into medical devices and equipment for the testing of patient samples.
Products featured in the online catalog include the Cy5 Ultra fluorescence filter set for light-emitting diode (LED) light sources, designed as an LED-optimized, single-band optical filter set providing bright, high-contrast images of CY5-stained samples. Also featured are the Quasar670 and the Fam Ultra fluorescence filter set for LED light sources, also an LED-optimized, single-band optical filter set for FAM, fluorescein, and all associated fluorophores.
Alluxa’s very steep filters with more than OD6 blocking out of the band and state-of-the-art center wavelength tolerances of less than ± 0.3% offer the highest transmission levels available, with a passband T average greater than 95%.
For more information, visit Alluxa.