Randox Laboratories, Kearney, WV, has introduced a new sPLA2,-IIA assay for use on a wide range of clinical chemistry analyzers. Used to determine a patient’s risk of experiencing a cardiovascular event, the assay detects the most highly expressed of the phospholipase A2 family of enzymes. Many studies associate higher circulating sPLA2-llA levels with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and major vascular events. Measurement of patient sPLA2-llA levels enables clinicians to gain a comprehensive overview of cardiovascular risk factors and can help them tailor treatment accordingly.
Randox offers the sPLA2-IIA assay in an automated, clinical chemistry format. Additional features include:
- Instructions detail instrument-specific settings for use of the assay on a wide range of clinical chemistry analyzers.
- Dedicated calibrator and controls for complete testing.
- Exceptional correlation coefficient of r = 0.95 compared with other commercially available methods.
- Latex-enhanced immunoturbidimetric method for high-performance measurement of sPLA2-IIA compared with traditional ELISA testing.
- Liquid ready-to-use reagents.
Measuring a patient’s sPLA2-IIA level is important for preventing secondary coronary events (Figure 1). The amount of sPLA2-llA present in a patient can be used to estimate event-free survival over a number of days. In Figure 1, patients with the highest levels of sPLA2-llA are represented in the lower line. The proportion of event-free survivors is lower for this tertile when compared with patients having lower levels of sPLA2-llA.
Kaplan-Meier estimates of secondary fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular events during follow-up, according to tertiles of sPLA2-llA mass at baseline.
Proinflammatory stimuli have been shown to induce sPLA2-llA in a wide variety of cells and tissues that play an important role in platelet, monocyte, and endothelial activation—processes known to be critical steps in atherogenesis.
Unlike traditional cardiac biomarkers used to predict adverse outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome, sPLA2-llA has been shown to act in multiple pathways involved in atherogenesis, including lipid oxidation, modulation of vascular and inflammatory cell activation, and apoptosis.
The assay is for research use only. For more information, visit Randox Laboratories.