Glycoprotein Staining Kit
Glycoprotein and total protein staining
G-Biosciences, St Louis, offers two protein stains in the Glycoprotein Staining Kit: A specific glycosylated protein stain and a total protein stain. The kit offers enhanced and improved detection of glycoproteins with nanogram sensitivity, and is fully compatible with polyacrylamide gels and nitrocellulose membranes. The Glycoprotein Staining Kit uses an enhanced Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) method for detection of glycoprotein sugars. The total protein stain is RAPIDstain™, an enhanced Coomassie stain, which can be used after glycoprotein staining to detect nonglycosylated proteins and enhances glycoproteins. The kit comes with the two stains and a unique positive and negative control, and is sufficient for 10 minigels (8 x 8 cm) or 20 nitrocellulose membranes (8 x 8 cm).
(314) 991-6034
Anti-ERG Monoclonal Antibody
For in vitro diagnostics, prognostics, and screening
BioCare Medical LLC, Concord, Calif, launched the anti-ERG monoclonal antibody (clone 9FY CPDR) for in vitro diagnostics, prognostics, patient monitoring, and screening by immunohistochemistry. The ERG oncoprotein is a diagnostic marker for identifying prostatic adenocarcinoma and distinguishing it from non-neoplastic prostate and other adenocarcinomas. This ERG antibody is 99.6% specific for prostate carcinoma and does not cross-react with infiltrating T- and B-Cells. As a hallmark of the TMPRSS2-ERG chromosomal translocation, ERG expression offers a rare, but definitive marker of adenocarcinoma of prostatic origin, and an opportunity to identify a potentially clinically significant subset of prostate cancer patients by IHC. Given the ease of performing IHC versus FISH, ERG protein expression in formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue may be a useful tool for the routine identification of the ERG gene rearrangement and diagnosis of prostate adenocarcinoma.
BioCare Medical LLC
(800) 799-9499
Western ReProbe and Western ReProbe PLUS
Screen the same blot with different antibodies
G-Biosciences, St Louis, offers the Western ReProbe™ and Western ReProbe PLUS, which allow you to screen the same blot with different antibodies, as well as perform repeated analysis of your Western blot with multiple probes. The solution is specifically formulated to dissociate and remove antibodies from membrane-bound proteins without destroying the antigenic-binding affinity and does not use denaturants, SDS, or boiling. Western ReProbe and Western ReProbe PLUS give you the ability to reuse your Western blots. The modified formulation of Western ReProbe PLUS allows for the removal of stubborn high-affinity antibodies. Once the antigen-antibody bonds are broken, the membrane-bound protein is free to accept new antibodies. The product is supplied with sufficient reagent for 25 to 30 standard (7.5- x 8.5-cm) Western blots.
(314) 991-6034
HRP-Polymer Detection Systems
Specifically designed to achieve excellent staining quality
BioCare Medical LLC, Concord, Calif, introduces two newly developed HRP-Polymer detection systems: the Mouse-on-Canine HRP-Polymer and Rabbit-on-Canine HRP-Polymer. These polymers are specifically designed to achieve excellent staining quality when using mouse or rabbit primary antibodies on canine tissues. The advanced polymer technology provides increased sensitivity, reduced IHC steps (no Avidin/Biotin block or Link/Probe), and virtually eliminates cross-reactivity to endogenous canine IgG. These detection systems have been tested on brain, spleen, lymph node, kidney, skin, melanoma, liver, spinal cord, cerebellum, colon, muscle, thyroid gland, and pancreas. The canine polymers are intended for use on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues, floating sections, and frozen sections with both manual and automated protocols.
BioCare Medical LLC
(800) 799-9499