In extensive studies done over the last several years, BioCurex Inc‘s RECAF cancer marker blood test has been shown to detect approximately 70% of stage I, 76% of stage II, 90% of stage III, and 100% of stage IV prostate cancers all with very high specificity. By contrast, in early stages, the PSA test detects significantly lowers percentages of cancers and is very poor (about 50% accurate) at distinguishing an enlarged prostate (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, BPH) from prostate cancer.
In a study to be presented at the ISOBM (International Society of Oncology and Biomarkers) annual meeting in October, BioCurex compared the performance of RECAF and a specialized PSA test referred to as the free-PSA ratio to discriminate prostate cancer from BPH, a common benign condition that requires no surgical treatment. The RECAF test outperformed the established free-PSA test by approximately 600% in its ability to prevent unnecessary prostate biopsies.
The recent BioCurex study was done using blinded samples from two different sources and showed that the used FDA-approved, free-PSA tests would have reduced unnecessary biopsies by 11%, whereas the RECAF test, used on the same samples, would have reduced the number of unwanted biopsies by approximately 70% while detecting a comparable percentage of cancers.
Source: BioCurex Inc