15070_Sciex_X500R_09-23_24-15Sciex, Framingham, Mass, has launched its latest X-series quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) mass spectrometry (MS) system. The X500B QTOF is a compact mass spectrometry system designed to offer simplicity, high-performance, and robustness for biotherapeutic analyses. To simplify complex data processing, the X500B QTOF system comes with BioPharmaView 2.0 processing software, enabling scientists to generate information faster. BioPharmaView mass spec processing software also offers the ability to interpret Swath 2.0 data-independent acquisition on the X500B QTOF system. Swath acquisition allows for comprehensive peptide mapping data to be acquired in a single injection, with high-resolution MS and MS/MS data for every peptide in the sample. This strategy results in the ability to detect important low-abundance peptides and post-translational modifications that may be missed with other approaches. For research use only. For more information, visit Sciex.