Mansoor Khan, ScD |
DiagnosisOne, Lowell, Mass, an Alere subsidiary specializing in analytics and clinical decision support technology, will now be conducting business as Alere Analytics.
“Analytics and decision support have become increasingly important to providers, hospitals, and payers as they focus on empowering clinicians to make the most informed decisions and set accountable, value-driven care plans for their patients,” says Mansoor Khan, ScD, CEO, Alere Analytics. “Since our technology platform generates immediate care recommendations, our solution can trigger earlier interventions, reduce avoidable errors, and improve overall health outcomes at both a patient and population level.”
The company offers a broad array of analytical and clinical decision support solutions, including real-time patient and population assessment. These solutions are delivered through a powerful platform that integrates Meaningful Use-required interoperability and accountable-care standards at the point of care.
Alere’s Clinical Decision Support solution leverages a large library of evidence-based guidelines and activates patient information via patient-specific recommendations and alerts made at the point of care and in between physician visits.
Built to meet industry standards such as HL7v3, CCD, and CDA, it can be integrated into any hospital HIS, EHR/PHR, and HIE system’s workflows. Its analytics tools, which facilitate population assessment, predictive modeling, and risk stratification, help providers improve care quality, lower costs, and maximize available incentive payments from programs that include HEDIS, PQRS, and Meaningful Use.