Spinal Fluid Control
Open-vial stability of 30 days
Control LQ Spinal Fluid from Audit MicroControls Inc, Carlsbad, Calif, is a bi-level reference control consisting of human serum-based solutions. Control LQ Spinal Fluid is intended to simulate human patient spinal fluid samples for the purpose of monitoring the precision of laboratory testing procedures for the following spinal fluid assays: chloride, glucose, immunoglobulin A, immunoglobulin G, immunoglobulin M, lactate, lactate dehydogenase, microalbumin, microprotein, and sodium. Packaged as 6 x 3 mL, this liquid product has a shelf life of 2 years and an open-vial stability of 30 days when stored at 2°C to 8°C.
Audit MicroControls Inc
(866) 252-8348; www.auditmicro.comÂ
Vista Vial Controls
Verified stability claims for onboard storage
A comprehensive line of multianalyte quality controls from Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc, Hercules, Calif, are now available in Siemens Dimension Vista vials for use on Siemens Dimension Vista Intelligent Lab Systems. These liquid, assayed controls with verified stability claims for storage onboard the instrument allow for convenient routine quality control of Vista assays. Users can take advantage of shared control lot numbers with existing product configurations, while accessing Unity reports and peer group comparisons. The controls also enable 2D barcode scanning for automatic upload of Vista values to alleviate transcription and handling errors.
Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc(510) 724-7000;Â www.bio-rad.com
Immunoassay Premium Controls
Maximize laboratory QC program
Liquichek Immunoassay Premium Control from Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc, Hercules, Calif, allows laboratories to replace two or more individual QC products with a single control while maintaining the same QC program for data review and peer group reports. Bringing together immunoassays, specialty immunoassays (25-OH Vitamin D, SHBG), tumor markers, and therapeutic drug monitoring analytes, the product guarantees a 2-year shelf life at -20°C to -70°C and 14-day unopened-vial stability at 2°C to 8°C for most analytes. This unbiased third-party trilevel formulation provides assayed values for most major integrated immunoassay platforms.
Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc
(510) 724-7000; www.bio-rad.comÂ
Glycohemoglobin A1c Control
Simulate human blood samples
Control LQ Glycohemoglobin A1c from Audit MicroControls Inc, Carlsbad, Calif, is a liquid bi-level reference control consisting of human blood-based solutions. It is intended to simulate human patient whole blood samples for the purpose of monitoring the precision of laboratory testing procedures for Glycohemoglobin A1c. The Control LQ Glycohemoglobin A1c has been assayed for Bio-Rad Variant Turbo II, Ortho Vitros, Roche Integra, Siemens Dimension, and Tosoh G7. Packaged as 8 x 0.5 mL, this liquid product has an open-vial stability of up to 50 days when stored at 2°C to 8°C.
Audit MicroControls Inc(866) 252-8348;Â www.auditmicro.com
Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Process Controls
10 microns thick
AcroMetrix MultiMix FFPE Controls from Life Technologies, Carlsbad, Calif, are process controls for the isolation, purification, and detection of somatic genetic variants in research oncology testing. The control consists of cells in a synthetic tissue that has been formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded and sectioned to 10 microns thick. Routine use of the controls enables laboratories to monitor day-to-day workflow precision and identify possible variations between lots of assay reagents and operators. They can also assist in identifying increases in random or systematic errors in testing systems.
Life Technologies
(800) 955-6288; www.lifetechnologies.com