
The American Association of Bioanalysts has formed a new trade association for independent community clinical laboratories.

The new National Independent Laboratory Association (NILA) is intended to provide a a platform for laboratory executives and senior-level management to exchange technical and business expertise and to focus on legislative and regulatory issues facing the industry.

The formation of NILA “makes it clear to those in clinical laboratory management that AAB membership is open to them,” even if they are not scientifically trained, according to Mark Birenbaum, PhD, AAB administrator noted. in a recent interview with NIR. In a sense, NILA represents a “return to AAB’s roots in the 1950s” as a trade group for community lab owners and executives, he says.

NILA officially began accepting members early this year. Membership is limited to laboratories with gross annual revenues of up to $500 million. Member labs can each name two executive level representatives who will be entitled to vote on group matters. Annual NILA dues are $1,000 per lab, which includes two individual AAB director or owner memberships.

NILA will hold a special meeting during the 50th anniversary celebration of the AAB Educational Conference, June 8-10, 2006 in Las Vegas.