The single solution agrobacterium transformation kit enables researchers studying plant genomics and proteomics to transform DNA into agrobacterium with less hands-on time. The kit contains a single transformation solution in which A. rhizogenes or A. tumefaciens can be transformed with plasmid DNA using either a freeze/thaw or electroporation method. The kit includes optimized agrobacterium medium and agar, as well as Roll&Grow® plating beads for the easy spreading of transformed cells.
     The reagents in the transformation kit are used to transform DNA into the agrobacterium in three steps. Agrobacteria are first grown in the liquid medium, then transformed using either the freeze/thaw or electroporation method. Transformed cells are then plated onto selective agar plates and allowed to grow for 2 to 3 days into healthy colonies. Once media preparation is complete, the easy transformation procedure is estimated to take less than 45 minutes with minimal hands-on time.

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