Tissue-Tek® AutoTec® Automated Embedding System Sakura Finetek USA Inc recently launched the Tissue-Tek® AutoTec® Automated Embedding System, which will offer pathology laboratories a new level of efficiency and standardization. The AutoTec has been designed with automation that essentially eliminates manual procedures and enhances embedding speed while ensuring production of consistent, uniform tissue blocks. This new instrument integrates with existing Sakura Tissue-Tek platforms, including the Xpress® and VIP™ tissue processors and the Prisma®/Film® slide-staining/coverslipping system. In addition, the AutoTec works with the revolutionary Paraform® Cassette System, which allows for one-time specimen orientation from processing through microtomy. The four cassette models available accommodate the embedding of virtually any tissue type, including routine specimens, biopsies, and specimens requiring special orientation. The AutoTec employs advanced robotics and other features that allow for around-the-clock tissue embedding. Cassettes can be loaded continually, without batching. As a result, the AutoTec can achieve embedding speeds unobtainable with manual techniques—up to 120 blocks per hour.
ESwab Launched by Copan Diagnostics Copan Diagnostics Inc presents ESwab (Elution Swab), a new liquid-based transport system for bacteriology swab samples. This concept for swab transport is made possible through the combination of Copan’s patented nylon flock swab invention and a new Liquid Amies format-preservation medium. ESwab provides an open platform for the laboratory to run multiple test analysis. Instead of being limited to one patient’s swab, one test, the product provides up to 10 identical 100-µL aliquots of liquid sample for analysis. The entire patient’s sample is instantly eluted on contact with the transport medium; there is no need for the operator to rim, ring, or vortex the swab. The technician collects the patient’s sample with the flocked swab, places the applicator in the tube, and snaps the applicator at the mark. The sample automatically washes from the swab into the medium. Moving the entire patient’s swab sample efficiently into liquid phase was not achievable before with traditional fiber-winded swabs. This feature allows specimens to be simply and automatically handled using a pipette or pipetting system or transferred to culture plates using the swab, captured by the tube cap, as a convenient inoculation wand. One milliliter of patient sample in every tube expands the possible number of first-line tests with extra volume in reserve for reflex analysis or sample retention for further investigations. ESwab is validated in full compliance with CLSI M40-A performance standard; Quality Control of Microbiological Transport Systems. It is demonstrated to maintain the viability of aerobes and anaerobes for up to 48 hours at both refrigerator (4°C to 8°C) and room temperature (20°C to 25°C) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae for up to 24 hours.