bioMérieux Corp has introduced the NucliSens® easyMAG system, a second-generation platform for automated nucleic acid isolation from clinical samples. The system works in any size molecular biology laboratory, delivering recovery of pure DNA and RNA to lab technicians. The easyMAG requires very few disposables compared to other systems, making for less setup time and seamless work flow. Additionally, lysis wash and elution buffers are monitored continuously. Manual steps such as loading samples, reagents, and disposables are limited, thereby saving time. The touch-screen interface simplifies sample, reagent, and disposable management. The software provides complete traceabilityfrom the patient sample to the final resultplus data-storage capabilities. In addition, the high-throughput system can handle up to 24 samples per run. Results are available in less than 1 hour.
bioMérieux Corp
(800) 682-2666;