Additions and improvements to Bio-Rad’s Liquichek™ Cardiac Markers Control LT enable the product to better control and target level 1 troponin T values. The control aids in monitoring a wide range of cardiac assessment testing, and contains proBNP, troponin I, troponin T, CK-MB, myoglobin, homocysteine, and digitoxin. The new level is useful for monitoring low cardiac marker values associated with risk stratification testing.
     The control is human serum-based and is designed for multiple methods and instruments. Third-party controls, such as Liquichek cardiac markers control LT, are not optimized for just one method or instrument, and provide an unbiased assessment of any testing system. They can help detect changes in assay performance, thus improving the quality of results. Liquichek cardiac markers control LT is available in four levels with a 3 mL fill size.

Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc
(800) 224-6723;