imageOmniPrep is for the extraction of high quality genomic DNA from a variety of species or tissue. With this product, the genomic DNA hydrates in minutes.
It can generate pure genomic DNA using a two-step protocol that removes proteins and other impurities. The procedure, which takes as little as 20 to 30 minutes, yields high quality DNA. The extracted DNA averages 100kb in size and has an A260/280 ratio between 1.8 to 2.0.
     The genomic DNA extracted can be digested by a range of restriction endonucleases, including Hind III, EcoR I and Alu I. The extracted DNA has been successfully used in PCR applications. The product can be used to isolate DNA from animal tissues, plant tissues, cultured cells, bacteria, fungi and whole blood. It also can isolate DNA from tissues that contain high concentrations of contaminants like polysaccharides and proteoglycans.
    This product does not use any toxic agents, columns, glass, beads or resin. Geno Technology