Rodney W. Forsman
During ThinkLab ’11, the Clinical Laboratory Management Association’s (CLMA’s) annual conference, the organization introduced its Body of Knowledge for Medical Laboratory Management (BOK) 10 Domains, an educational system designed to provide a road map for professional development as a laboratorian. This past year, CLMA, Chicago, has tied all of its educational offerings to one of the 10 domains of the BOK and continued to offer its other varied educational resources to members of the clinical laboratory community. ThinkLab ’12 expands upon these ideals with more networking and educational opportunities. Clinical Lab Products has asked Rodney W. Forsman, president of CLMA and assistant professor emeritus of laboratory medicine and pathology, College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn, about his role in the conference and organization, and about new offerings at ThinkLab ’12.
CLP: What’s your personal history with CLMA?
Forsman: I’ve been a CLMA member since 1990 and was mentored at Mayo by Gerry Wollner, who was a CLMA founder, along with Joan Logue. For decades, I’ve had the opportunity to lecture at many chapter and national CLMA meetings, so I’ve been close to the association for over 35 years. I’m approaching the midpoint of a 2-year term as president, preceded by a 2-year term as president-elect, and followed by 2 years as past-president. I have found the membership to be top-notch in terms of discussing and brainstorming ideas for the improvement of our industry as well as promoting the important work that each CLMA member performs in their laboratories every day.
CLP: What role have you played in shaping ThinkLab ’12?
Forsman: ThinkLab ’12 is a great effort by many great volunteers. Patty Eschliman, our chair this year, and I worked together on the overarching theme and priorities. We both really wanted a management-focused keynote speaker and are looking forward to having Nancy Riesz fill that role. Several years ago, the CLMA board of directors focused ThinkLab on providing attendees the elements that will help them become more successful in their job roles, increasing the value of their laboratories and facilities. ThinkLab ’12 takeaways are grandiose, yet simple: cutting-edge exhibitors and products, and education specific to our profession, focusing on the CLMA BOK 10 Domains.
CLP: Why is this a key conference for members of the clinical laboratory community?
Forsman: It is the only gathering of clinical laboratory management professionals that has education focused on lab operations and management, patient care and medical best practices, and billing and advocacy. This is the place where a laboratory director from Maine can share his/her experiences with a laboratory director from Texas. Our entire community will better from shared information and hearing another professional’s perspective. We can better serve our patients when we know the best devices, materials, and resources are available.
CLP: What are some of the new offerings this year?
Forsman: On Sunday afternoon, we’re able to offer a tour of the Emory University Laboratory. On Monday evening, we’re hosting a dinner celebrating the BOK and clinical laboratory management profession. We’re also delighted to welcome several new and returning exhibitors.
CLP: How has the BOK developed over the past year?
Forsman: All CLMA educational content is now tied to the BOK. We’ve been working with ASCP (American Society for Clinical Pathology) as we believe the BOK is a great resource for folks preparing for the Diplomate in Laboratory Management. Anne Pontius, CLMA immediate past president, and Patty Eschliman, CLMA board member, copresented a workshop with ASCP at their conference in October highlighting the use of the BOK in shaping career goals. We also have launched a team of volunteers who will be periodically reviewing the BOK and making necessary improvements to each of the 10 Domains.
CLP: How many continuing education opportunities are available at the conference?
Forsman: With more than 40 educational sessions, attendees have the opportunity to earn up to 17.5 CE credits.
CLP: Will the Education On Demand (EOD) program continue with ThinkLab ’12?
Forsman: We’ll be recording a variety of sessions from ThinkLab ’12 and offering them to our members as EOD sessions. We are planning another media experience to be available also.
CLP: What key industry topics will ThinkLab ’12 cover?
Forsman: Every BOK Domain is represented at ThinkLab ’12. However, the news over the past several weeks highlights key laboratory issues around quality as well as the need to efficiently manage costs. A safe laboratory provides the most accurate results, and when laboratory leadership understands true costs, better business decisions are made. We have several sessions that address each of these important topics from various perspectives.
CLP: If someone has attended a prior ThinkLab, why should they attend this one?
Forsman: ThinkLab ’12 is going to be particularly important due to the issues our industry is facing. It will address current marketplace issues, and you will not be able to find the key information needed to support one’s professional career and actively participate in the forward momentum of our profession at another event.
Chris Gaerig is associate editor of CLP.