EchoThermâ„¢ Benchtop Chilling Incubator

Compact unit

Torrey Pines Scientific Inc, San Marcos, Calif, introduces the new EchoTherm Model IN30 benchtop chilling incubator, which controls from 4°C to 70°C. The unit is Peltier-based for heating and chilling. It has no compressors or CFCs, and it is virtually vibration-free, making it useful for performing protein crystallization. The unit is used in pharmaceutical, biotech, biochemistry, clinical, and other life science labs. It features PID temperature control; a digital display; accuracy to 0.1°C; an RS232 I/O port for remote control and data collection; a digital timer in hours, minutes, and seconds with user set-table auto-off; and an audible alarm. The compact unit has a chamber size of 12 inches x 10 inches x 14 inches. It includes two stainless steel racks and allows room for four racks. The overall size is 15.5 inches x 18.5 inches x 22 inches. The unit includes a universal power supply that operates from 100 VAC to 265 VAC, 50/60 Hz and 12 volts DC; and it is UL, C-UL, and CE certified.

Torrey Pines Scientific Inc
(866) 573-9104

Pioneerâ„¢ Series of Analytical and Precision Balances

For multiple weighing needs

Ohaus Corp, Pine Brook, NJ, introduces the new Pioneer series analytical and precision balances, which meet routine weighing needs in laboratory settings. The upfront level indicator helps ensure accuracy. Selectable environmental settings and filter modes allow users to adjust the balance sensitivity to environmental disturbances.

Several products feature an analytical draftshield enclosure constructed of glass panels, including three sliding doors, which can be removed, cleaned, and replaced. Nine difference capacities range from 65 g to 4,100 g. Features include multiple application modes and units, including basic weighing, parts counting, and percent weighing modes; 19 international weighing units, plus one custom unit; construction that protects the balance from damage; an integral menu lock comprised of software and a mechanical switch to lock menus; and a built-in weigh below hook, to allow for suspension of an item below the balance to calculate density/specific gravity.

Ohaus Corp
(973) 377-9000

Symphony H&E

Slide prep system

The Symphony H&E slide preparation system from Ventana Medical Systems, Tucson, Ariz, integrates innovative reagent formulations and automation to deliver productivity, safety, and top quality. The instrument is the only H&E slide preparation system that brings one-touch automation to all steps of the staining process, from sample drying through glass coverslipping. The system also eliminates the use of toxic xylene during the staining process. It produces high-definition H&E (HD H&E) slides through the combination of proprietary reagent formulations and discrete slide staining. The unique process improves diagnostic visualization in certain contexts, protects against cross-contamination, and delivers consistent reagent quality and reproducible results while improving laboratory workflow.

Ventana Medical Systems
(800) 227-2155