The BD Phoenix™ automated microbiology system from BD Diagnostics Systems provides rapid identification (ID) and antimicrobial susceptibility test (AST) results for most aerobic and facultative anaerobic gram-positive bacteria, as well as most aerobic and facultative anaerobic gram-negative bacteria of human clinical significance. The system can simultaneously perform from 1 to 100 ID/AST determinations in three formats: ID only, AST only, or ID/AST combined. Additional features are random on-demand loading, single or batch inoculation, continuous monitoring, and the incorporation of the BDXpert™ system.
     Incorporating MPD (multi-parameter determination) technology, Phoenix identification substrates include modifications of the classical identification methods. These include tests for fermentation, oxidation, degradation, and hydrolysis of various substrates. In addition to these, the Phoenix system utilizes chromogenic- and fluorogenic-based substrates as well as single-carbon-source substrates in the identification of organisms. The utilization of both chromogenic and fluorogenic substrates enables Phoenix to reduce the need for costly off-line and supplemental testing as well as provide the largest database of any rapid system.
     The Phoenix AST Advantage is a modified miniaturized version of the broth microdilution technique. The system uses a reliable oxidation-reduction indicator for the detection of organism growth in the presence of an antimicrobial agent. Continuous measurements of changes to the indicator as well as bacterial turbidity are used in the determination of bacterial growth and subsequent MIC values for interpretation. The integrated Phoenix BDXpert™ system provides rapid reporting of important resistance markers, including a confirmatory extended spectrum beta-lactamase assay on every gram-negative panel tested, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), and beta-lactamase production by staphylococci.
     The BD EpiCener™ microbiology data-management system complements BD Phoenix results by enabling clinicians to monitor trends in bacterial susceptibility, identify nosocomial infections, and monitor appropriate antimicrobial therapy.
     Phoenix MPD technology, AST Advantage, and rapid detection of resistance markers in conjunction with the BD EpiCenter system enable laboratories to provide real-time information to both clinicians and epidemiologists to help manage acute and nosocomial infections.

BD Diagnostics Systems
(800) 638-8663