TrovageneTrovagene Inc, San Diego, a developer of transrenal molecular diagnostics, has granted Duke University, Durham, NC, and Duke University Health Systems a nonexclusive license to incorporate nucleophosmin protein (NPM1) into research and clinical testing services for acute myelogenous leukemia (AML).

“Use of NPM1 is part of the NCCN guidelines for the treatment of AML,” says Antonius Schuh, PhD, CEO, Trovagene. “Clinical and academic laboratories are increasingly interested in licensing this assay so they can offer it directly to their physicians for use in patient care.”
Within the United States, Trovagene has granted nonexclusive sublicenses to offer mutation analysis of NPM1 as a laboratory service for the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with AML to Quest Diagnostics, LabCorp, Fairview Health Services, and Invivoscribe Technologies.
Laboratories interested in obtaining a license for testing NPM1 mutations for AML patients should contact Trovagene directly, at (888) 391-7992.

[Source: Trovagene]