The Borrelia B31 Virablots are new Western blot test kits using proprietary technology to produce highly linear, highly focused blots. Now cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration, test kits for B. burgdorferi IgG and IgM serology are available for immediate release. With decades of Western blot experience, the manufacturer provides unparalleled blot quality and product support. Test kits contain a reacted positive control strip (band locator) from each individual blot membrane. The band locators contain all significant B31 strain Borrelia burgdorferi antigen bands, allowing for easy band alignment. Advanced blot linearity simplifies band identification for all test results. Each test strip contains a serum-control and conjugate-control stripe for the added security of proper test function. Established protocols can use fixed substrate timing for dependable blot results and interpretation, simplifying the test procedure. The Virablots superior resolution makes assisted digital-image analysis and online technical support possible. Each kit contains 50 determinations for economical Lyme Western blot testing.
Viralab Inc
(760) 594-7285;