The Digital Pathology Blog reports that the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Advisory Committee (CLIAC) recently heard presentations on digital pathology and asked the following questions of the committee:
- What HHS guidance is needed for validation of whole slide imaging?
- Can the CAP guidance serve as a model?
- Are other sources of guidance available that should be considered?
- What practices discussed at the International Color Consortium (ICC) Color Summit should be considered during implementation or validation of whole slide imaging by a laboratory.
The agenda items and presentations by Jared Schwartz, MD, PhD (on behalf of himself), Anil Parwani, MD, PhD (on behalf of the College of American Pathologists), and Aldo Baldano, CDRH, FDA (on behalf of Center for Devices and Radiologic Health reporting on recent Color Summit), are all available on the CLIAC website.
A brief discussion followed the presentations, and the committee resumed it the next day, in an attempt to answer the above questions.
Click here to read the whole story.
[Source: Digital Pathology Blog]
NOTE: Jared Schwartz, MD, PhD, serves as the expert in CLP‘s Expert Insight on digital pathology. Submit your questions for him here. |