18-plex respiratory test
Seegene USA, Rockville, Md, has introduced the Seeplex 18-plex respiratory test, which is capable of simultaneously detecting 18 different virus- and bacteria-borne respiratory infections in a single reaction tube. The multiplex-formatted diagnostic test covers the most common virus and bacteria respiratory infections, and detects 11 different respiratory RNA viruses, two DNA viruses, and five pneumonia bacteria from samples including nasopharyngeal aspirates, nasopharyngeal swabs, and bronchoalveolar lavage. The test offers multiplexing without cross reactivity and achieves rapid test results at a minimal cost per test.
Seegene USA
(866) 733-4949
Micros im 2
DIFF automated analyzer
HoribaABX Diagnostics Inc, Irvine, Calif, is adding the Micros im 2 to its line of intuitive hematology analyzers.The three-part DIFF automated analyzer is packaged with an interconnected middleware system built on a compact, zero-footprint platform, combining the computer and keyboard in a single module. It is offered in four industry-coded scrub color styles. The product is targeted to a market that is sensitive to CLIA and HIPAA regulations. The flexible analyzer requires only 10 µL sampling on a closed-tube configuration, reporting out to 16 parameters at 60 samples per hour. The middleware system offers patient data-management and accession logs of patient storage. Customized windowpanes preview important data at a glance, and aid in ordering CBCs and QC. Offers viewing capabilities in color-coded formats and operator log management, EMR and LIS connectivity capability.
HoribaABX Diagnostics Inc
(888) 903-5001
vanA/B Evigene
LNA-based in vitro test
AdvanDx Inc, Woburn, Mass, has released the vanA/B Evigene in Europe, an LNA-based in vitro diagnostic test for detecting the antibiotic-resistant Superbugs vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) and vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA) in positive blood cultures and clinical isolates. Infections with the antibiotic-resistant Superbugs cause problems for patients and hospitals worldwide. vanA/B Evigene combines the specificity of locked nucleic acid (LNA) probes with Evigene, a signal-amplified sandwich hybridization assay platform, to detect vanA and vanB genes that confer vancomycin resistance in enterococci and Staphylococcus aureus.
AdvanDx Inc
(781) 376-0009
CDX2 + CK7
Double-stain antibody cocktail
Biocare Medical, Concord, Calif, is adding a new four-step CDX2 + CK7 double-stain antibody cocktail to its lineup of staining products for IHC. The product is a sensitive and specific marker for colon cancer. CDX2 and CK7 have also been used in various panels, providing a resource in the field of diagnostic pathology. Biocare’s Cytokeratin 7, produced in-house, provides clean staining. The cocktail of CDX2 and CK7 can be used to simultaneously distinguish stomach and colon cancers from breast, lung, and ovarian cancers. With Biocare’s double vision detection kit #2, the product can be used on most automated stainers. CDX2 stains nuclei brown, and CK7 stains target antigens red.
Biocare Medical
(800) 799-9499
Marker and digital counter
The Counter-Pen from Control Co, Friendswood, Tex, is a combination marker and digital counter designed for labs and plants. Each time a black mark is made with the felt-tipped pen, it automatically sounds a beep, and LCD displays the counts. Use it to count cell growth on petri dishes and inventory parts, and to tally samples received. Touch, sound, and count occur simultaneously. The device marks hold your place, and the counter holds your total. ABS plastic unit provides audio/visual counts to 99,999 with a reset button, on/off switch, and pen cap. Size is 6 x 2/3 inches.
Control Co
(281) 482-1714