Vault Health Inc., Miami, has announced the release of its COVID Compliance Solution, a turnkey product for employers navigating the newly released rules around workplace testing.
On Nov. 4, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rolled out new guidelines, consistent with President Joseph R. Biden’s goal of expanding the percentage of the American workforce that is vaccinated and curbing the worst of the pandemic. Under the new guidelines, employers with staff of more than 100 people are now required to test certain unvaccinated workers on a weekly basis. Vault’s COVID Compliance Solution offers a HIPAA-compliant way to track employee vaccination status; ship, supervise the completion of, and quickly return test kits; and monitor the compliance status of each employee.
“Running a business during the pandemic hasn’t been easy, and this new federal mandate presents a huge logistical challenge for every human resources (HR) and occupational health department,” says Jason Feldman, co-founder and CEO of Vault Health. “Keeping your workforce safe and compliant has never been more important. Vault’s COVID Compliance Solution takes the burden off employers, creating an auditable record, and easily enabling compliance under the OSHA rules.”
COVID Compliance Solution and OSHA Mandate
The COVID Compliance Solution handles all aspects of complying with the federal mandate, according to the company. It begins by collecting and retaining the vaccination status of each employee. For those employees who are unvaccinated, the platform automatically ships weekly COVID-19 tests right to their home or place of employment.
New employees can easily be added by HR in the intuitive interface, and employees can self-enter updates to their vaccination status. Employers can monitor real-time vaccination and testing data, providing them with visibility on employees’ ongoing testing compliance.
“No one wants to fight with their employees about vaccinations,” Feldman says. “Vault’s COVID Compliance Solution makes the hard work of compliance easy for employers. Through an easy-to-use dashboard, employers also have real-time data at their fingertips, including vaccination and testing status.”
As part of Vault’s COVID Compliance Solution, most unvaccinated workers will have PCR saliva tests mailed to their homes each week. The tests can be performed at home, supervised over Zoom by a Vault clinician. Employees simply spit into a tube and drop the test in a prepaid UPS envelope, with digital results available within 24 to 48 hours of arriving at a lab. Feldman says a PCR test is ideal for employers, although Vault offers other point-of-care options allowable under OSHA’s rules to meet the needs of every workforce.
“Businesses would be ill-advised to tell workers they’re on their own to figure out weekly testing,” Feldman says. “They need to be able to operate a system that demonstrates for OSHA which employees tested in a given week, with what result, and have the evidence that it was in fact the person you think it is who tested. Our product provides all of those things.”
Vault Health brought to market the first FDA-authorized at-home PCR saliva test. To date, it has sold more than 10 million COVID tests nationwide and administered roughly half a million COVID vaccines. According to the company, vault Health is a partner to more than 3,000 enterprise, government, public health, and education clients.
“Millions have trusted us for their testing needs,” Feldman says. “We know what works and how to work hand-in-hand with any organization to best meet their needs.”
For more information, visit Vault Health.