UV Angel, Grand Haven, Mich, has launched two new ultraviolet C (UVC) light devices designed to autonomously and continuously treat the air and surfaces for harmful bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
UV Angel Air combines the company’s proprietary UVC air treatment system with standard in-ceiling lighting, requiring no staff interaction. Air is circulated through a sealed chamber where it is treated with a high-intensity UVC light. The treated air is then returned to the room.
UV Angel Adapt uses an intelligent, automated UVC light treatment platform to continuously monitor and safely treat surfaces hundreds of times per day. UV Angel Adapt can be attached to keyboards, touchscreens, and a wide range of other frequently touched surfaces.
“We believe rapid deployment of UV Angel technology in hospitals around the country can provide immediate support to our healthcare workers on the frontlines of the fight against bacteria, fungus, and viruses like covid-19,” says Tom Byrne, chief executive officer of UV Angel. “We are actively shipping our products to hospitals and military facilities throughout the country, including a VA hospital in Pennsylvania and an air force base medical center. While there are no environmental treatment technology silver bullets, it’s critical we provide these healthcare workers with as many layers of protection as we can to help keep them safe and in the fight.”
For more information, visit UV Angel.