Michael Glant, MD |
Michael Glant, MD, will become medical director at Orchard Software, Carmel, Ind, on July 5, where he will provide additional resources toward the development of the company’s various laboratory systems to meet the evolving needs of today’s integrated laboratory.
Glant was the founder of, and a pathologist at, the second independent fine needle aspiration (FNA) clinic in the US, Diagnostic Cytology Laboratories Inc (DCL), Zionsville, Ind.
In his new role, Glant will work closely with operations, product development, sales, and marketing.
“There are two trends within the laboratory industry driving evolutionary change,” said Curt Johnson, chief operating officer for Orchard Software. “The first is molecular testing and the blurring lines between the various laboratory disciplines, namely clinical and anatomic.
"An example of this is HPVs and Pap smears, PSAs with cancer biopsies, and CBCs with bone marrows," Johnson said. "The second trend driving change is the HITECH initiative and the resulting need for structured data. As one of the leading pathologists in the country with an expertise in informatics, Glant created one of the first, if not the first, AP Systems designed with discrete data and synoptic reporting capabilities for DCL. Based on this experience, Glant’s input and guidance was influential in the design of our Orchard Pathology system.”
Glant received his undergraduate and medical degrees from Indiana University. Previously, he worked as the director of cytopathology at the Indiana University Medical Center; for an independent FNA clinic in the United States, Diagnostic Cytology Laboratories Inc; and as medical director for the educational business (CytoQuest, Midwest Institute of Medical Education) that eventually created the first national proficiency test for gynecologic cytology that was sold to the ASCP and continues to be used. Glant is now working as a diagnostic and educational consultant for DCL as he transitions to being the new medical director at Orchard Software.
[Source: Orchard Software]